There Is No Greater Gift Than Family

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What great timing! I sure did pick a fantastic time to begin a lifelong family blog! This mom’s emotions having been going haywire lately. It could be due to the fact that I miss my wonderful husband something bad as he’s been slaving away for the railroad working out of town. One of the perks of being a “railroaders” wife. Though I feel completely blessed that my husband has a wonderful job, it definitely breaks my heart when Kyler and I have to tell him goodbye every dreaded Sunday evening. Whoever said being a parent was easy is definitely crazy, especially a “single” mother {except on weekends}  I think that’s what I’ve been struggling with most these days…taking care of the “terrible 2” year old. I should put into consideration that him acting out probably has something to do with daddy being gone during the week. I know he misses him! It’s quite obvious on Friday evening when he walks through that front door. I’ve never seen a child’s face light up so much. He grabs a hold of his neck and doesn’t let go, then he showers him with millions of kisses. Quite frankly I’m jealous….I don’t get that many kisses during our entire week together!! It’s possibly the most precious thing I’ve ever seen though. I can’t help but feel so overjoyed every time I see those two together to know that two people fell in love and created such a miracle. Those thoughts cross my mind frequently and I find myself alone grinning from ear to ear. If someone saw me randomly smiling so big they’d probably think I’m crazy….i’d simply put them in their place by saying “don’t worry I’m just overwhelmed by all of God’s blessings”, because indeed I am. I’m far more blessed than I could have ever imagined!  I’m such a proud wife and mommy, and although I don’t always know how to show it I’m extremely thankful for this wonderful life I’ve {we’ve} been given. Being a parent you sure do have to sacrifice a lot of things, one of those being time with your spouse. It’s so hard after spending every waking day with the one you love for the past 6 years and then having a child that basically needs your undivided attention 24/7. It leaves no room for extra time together and at times it’s hard to grasp that concept, but times change as we get older. We both struggle with the fact that our alone time is greatly reduced, but then we look at what God has given us and we honestly can’t complain. I just want {him} to know that I’ve loved him for 8 strong years and though some things have changed my love has not and will not. I love him more today than I did yesterday, and that bond definitely was a whole lot stronger on November 4, 2009…the day he became the father of my child….


  1. Very sweet and very well said. Love you all.

  2. We are so proud of the three of you and so greatful God has blessed you so very much. Dad and I hope you always remember to take time for each other. It was your love for each other that created such a wonderful little boy. I am sorry that Randy is gone alot, but we are proud of him for being a good provider for his family. We are also extremely greatful to God for giving us the most amazing daughter-in-law. Hang in there and know we are there if you need us. We love you.

  3. I can tell that this was written from your heart. We love the three of you very much and thank God everyday for the family that he has graced us with. Just remember as Cathy said, we are here most of the time (well Cathy is anyway) to help if needed. And we love to have Kyler over. And the two of you too!!!
